Magistarski rad kandidata Amele Havarić
Primjedbe na mogistarski rad mogu se dostaviti Fakultetu u roku od 15 dana od dana isticanja ovog obavještenja na oglasnoj ...
FEB, Novosti, Oglasna tabla
|Indian Corner
"Indian corner" has been opened at the University Mediterranean. It is only one of the activities that University Mediterranean and ...
|Indian Corner
Na Univerzitetu Mediteran je otvoren "Indian corner". U pitanju je samo jedna od aktivnosti koju Univerzitet Mediteran i Ambasada Indije ...
|Scholarships for Doctoral Research at Montenegrin universities in the academic year 2018/2019
The objective of this Public Invitation is to strengthen human resources for research, innovation and competitiveness, increase the number of ...
|Short video festival in Budva
The participants had the opportunity to send a short video form of a maximum length of sixty seconds , and ...