Magistarski rad kandidata Amele Havarić

Primjedbe na mogistarski rad mogu se dostaviti Fakultetu u roku od 15 dana od dana isticanja ovog obavještenja na oglasnoj ...

Indian Corner

"Indian corner" has been opened at the University Mediterranean. It is only one of the activities that University Mediterranean and ...

Indian Corner

Na Univerzitetu Mediteran je otvoren "Indian corner". U pitanju je samo jedna od aktivnosti koju Univerzitet Mediteran i Ambasada Indije ...

Scholarships for Doctoral Research at Montenegrin universities in the academic year 2018/2019

The objective of this Public Invitation is to strengthen human resources for research, innovation and competitiveness, increase the number of ...

Short video festival in Budva

The participants had the opportunity to send a short video form of a maximum length of sixty seconds , and ...