Working visit to the University of Patras in Greece

On the occasion of the coordination meeting of the IoT-ECO project, organized at the University of Patras, a team of ...

Student of the Faculty of Information Technologies, Momir Savić, gave a presentation on digital twins and smart campuses at the Technical University of Sofia

Momir Savić, a third-year student at the Faculty of Information Technologies of the University "Mediterranean" Podgorica, who is currently on ...

Participation of the Faculty of Information Technologies at the International Week in Sofia

Representatives of the Faculty of Information Technologies, University "Mediterranean" Podgorica, prof. Dr. Maja Delibašić, Assoc. Dr. Velimir Strugar and Predrag ...

The second digital skills competition for high school students from Montenegro

On the occasion of the International Day of Girls and Girls in Information and Communication Technologies, the Faculty of Information ...

A digital skills competition was held for high school girls

On the occasion of the International Day of Girls and Girls in ICT, on April 27, the Faculty of Information ...

The Council for Scientific Research supported the co-financing of national scientific research projects

At the session held on May 4, 2023, the Council for Scientific Research approved the Competition for co-financing of national ...

Colleagues from Galicia (Spain) visiting the “Mediterranean” University Podgorica

Professors of the institution of Educación Secundaria Chan Do Monte, from the city of Pontevedra, from the south of Galicia: ...

The lecture “Demifistifying Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Data Science” was held

Prof. Dr. Saed Sayad gave a lecture "Demifistifying Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Data Science" at the Faculty of Information ...


The Faculty of Information Technology, University "Mediterranean" Podgorica announces the lecture of Prof. Dr Saed Sayad, on the topic "Demystification ...