Participation of the Faculty of Information Technologies at the International Week in Sofia

Representatives of the Faculty of Information Technologies, University “Mediterranean” Podgorica, prof. Dr. Maja Delibašić, Assoc. Dr. Velimir Strugar and Predrag Glomazić, head of the IT sector of the University, were at the Erasmus+ and CEEPUS International Week from May 19 to 25, 2024 at the Technical University in Sofia. In addition to the representatives of the “Mediterranean” University Podgorica, the participants of the event are also representatives of partner universities from several countries, including the Technical University of Sofia (Bulgaria), the Technical University of Moldova from Chisinau, the Caucasus University from Tbilisi (Georgia), the Technical Faculty of the University of Belgrade in Bor (Serbia). , University of Business and Technology from Pristina (Kosovo), “Mother Teresa” University from Skopje (North Macedonia), “Goce Delčev” University from Štip (North Macedonia), University of Bihać (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and “Aleksandar Moisiu” University from Durres (Albania). The presentations were also attended by students from the mentioned universities who are located at TU Sofia as part of the Erasmus + mobility program.

Prof. Maja Delibašić held a presentation within the session dedicated to partner universities, where she presented the University “Mediterranean” Podgorica and the activities carried out at the Faculty of Information Technologies. In her presentation, she emphasized the importance of international collaboration, which strengthens the research potential of scientific research institutions, and cited the current Erasmus+ IoT ECO project as an example of good practice. The project focuses on IoT technological solutions in the process of green transformation.

Professor Velimir Strugar held a lecture on smart grid technology, with a special emphasis on challenges and solutions in support of e-mobility. The smart grid enables efficient management of electricity distribution, thus supporting the integration of e-mobility through advanced technological capabilities such as smart chargers and consumption management systems. This synergy between the smart grid and e-mobility opens the door to a more sustainable and intelligent transportation ecosystem, reducing emissions and ensuring reliable and affordable energy for electric vehicles.

In the continuation of the visit, student presentations were held, including the representative of the Faculty of Information Technologies, Momir Savić, a third-year student, who is staying at TU Sofia this semester.

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