The Chinese ambassador is visiting the “Mediterranean” University in Podgorica

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of China in Montenegro H.E. On Tuesday, June 9, Fan Kun visited University “Mediterranean” Podgorica and met with the rector of the institution, Professor Dr. Savo Marković. Meeting of H.E. Kun and Rector Marković is the second in order, after the first official meeting at the Chinese Embassy, ​​organized in February this year cooperation-between-the-university-of-Mediterranean-Podgorica-and-the-embassy-of-the-People’s-Republic-of-China-in-Montenegro/

The meeting held in the premises of the rector’s office of our university served to concretize earlier agreements as well as define the field of education, in which more intensive cooperation with Chinese partners will begin. At the meeting, which was attended by the head of the international cooperation office, Nataša Kraljević, M.Sc., and the quality assessment expert, Dragica Anđelić, M.Sc., in front of the University “Mediterranean” Podgorica, it was discussed about the cooperation that our university has developed with Chinese partners in certain areas, as well as the need for stronger cooperation in the future.

N J. E. Fan Kun pointed out that China is primarily a country of peace, which unselfishly shares its knowledge and resources with countries in the Balkans, and confirmed that it will do its utmost to establish a healthy, high-quality and mutually beneficial cooperation between the University “Mediterranean” Podgorica and Chinese universities, in the areas covered by our university.

Rector Savo Marković emphasized the importance of China in the global sky as well as its importance in education, and praised the embassy’s commitment to cooperation, which University “Mediterranean” Podgorica considers extremely important.

In the continuation of the meeting, NJ. E. Kun and Rector Marković exchanged gifts as a sign of attention, and Professor Marković also handed over an open invitation to His Excellency to hold a lecture at our university in the next semester.
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