South Korea – 1 scholarship for Montenegro for 2019/2020

Montenegro will be awarded one (1) scholarship.

Applicants need to submit a completed application form and the necessary documents (1 set of originals + copies) by March 15th 2019. At the latest, to the following address:

Ambasada Republike Koreje Ul. Miloša Savčića br. 4, 11040 Beograd

Interested parties may look up all the information regarding the applications in detail here (Application Guidelines).

Additional information regarding the program itself may be found on the website

For any additional questions and clarifications, interested parties may contact the contact person at the Embassy, Mrs. Jelena Milosavljevic, at the e-email:; telephone number: +381 11 3674 225; fax: +381 11 3674 229;

Only candidates that fulfill all the requirements and have submitted all the documents alongside their application by the deadline will be called for an interview which will be held at the Embassy of The Republic of Korea in Belgrade, the date of which will be known to applicants in due time.

The Embassy of The Republic of Korea will recommend two applications from Montenegro to its National Institute for International Education (NIIED), which will make the final choice. After the selection is complete, the successful candidate is expected to arrive in Korea in August of 2019.

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