Scholarships for Doctoral Research at Montenegrin universities in the academic year 2018/2019

The objective of this Public Invitation is to strengthen human resources for research, innovation and competitiveness, increase the number of young researchers at Montenegrin universities and the exchange of knowledge between the academic and economic sectors, as well as internationalization of research work. The call is published within the framework of the strategic activity: National Scholarship for Excellence, within the framework of the Strategy for Research and Research Activity 2017-2021. years.

The public call is primarily aimed at young people of up to 40 years old who want to direct their career towards scientific research or to advance the knowledge needed in the economy at the highest level through applied doctoral research and mobility in developed institutions abroad. Mobility during the scholarship is possible in companies abroad or in Montenegro. According to agreements between the Ministry of Science and universities, the scholarship will be exempt from fees for doctoral studies.

The call is also addressed to institutions and mentors who want to receive a scholarship and increase the number of young people dedicated to research at their university, thus strengthening the scientific and innovative capacities of their institution.

Deadline for submitting applications is October 15, 2018.

You can download the Public Call text on the following link.

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