Training for the empowerment of the Office for International Cooperation of the “Roaming” project, at the University “Mediterranean” in Podgorica

As part of the Roaming project “Strengthening International Staff and Student Mobility Offices in the West Balkans” – ROAMING / 101083070 ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE ERASMUS 2027″ at the University “Mediterranean” Podgorica is On June 13 and 14, 2024, “Training for managers of the IRO (Office for International Cooperation) and academic staff in credit mobility and internship programs” was organized, which gathered over twenty guests, colleagues from partner universities from Albania, Greece, Macedonia , as well as universities from Kosovska Mitrovica and Pristina. At the very beginning of the event, guests were greeted by prof. Dr. Savo Marković, Rector of University “Mediterranean” Podgorica.
The Roaming project is one of the six projects of the Erasmus program and one of the five from the CBHE call, which the University “Mediterranean” Podgorica is implementing from January 2023. The project is for two years, and the leader of the project is Logos University in Tirana. On behalf of the University “Mediterranean” Podgorica, a partner in the project, the project is managed by Petar Krivokapić, advisor in the Office for International Cooperation.

You can see more details about Erasmus CBHE University projects here.

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