Student mobility implies attending a part of study program (one or more semesters) at a foreign university. Mobility can be organized during both undergraduate and postgraduate studies.

There are two types of student mobility:

  • exchange and
  • full degree seeking.

Student exchange implies that, during their studies at the University Mediteran (home university), students spend one or more semesters at a foreign university. In practice, second year student of undergraduate studies gets a chance to go somewhere for exchange on your third year. During mobility he/she should attend lectures and take
exams which are equivalent to the exams he/she would have taken that semester or year if you hadn't applied for the exchange. The list of subjects that he/she should attend and pass during the exchange, Learning Agreement, should be defind apriori in accordance with person in charge for those issues at the home University unit (faculty).
This issue is of huge importance because if student pass all the exams defined by Learning Agreement, all of them will be recognized by home University and he/she will continue the studies.

Full degree seeking implies that student applies to become a student at a foreign university. In this case, examinations don't have to be equivalent, but you have to hold a higher education certificate before applying. It means that if the student has graduated at the University Mediteran, he/she can enroll Master or Doctoral studies at a foreign university.

Student mobility at University Mediteran is organized throughout several programmes:

All current mobility programmes are announced on the web page of the University and faculty, while all additional information can be attained in International office at the University.

Academic Staff Mobility

Similar to students, teaching and administrative staff can also take part in exchange programs. During mobility teachers and administrative staff have the opportunity to work on common projects, improveme teaching through the exchange of experience and good practice, hold lectures, enhance cooperation, exchange experience while aiming to enhance university services etc. Teaching and administrative staff can attend exchange on the grounds of programmes which enable student and staff mobility (EUROWE+, SUNBEAM, MEVLANA, CEEPUS).

All current mobility programmes are announced on the web page of the University and faculty, while all additional information can be attained in International office at the University.
