Počela prijava timova za Hakaton „Mobilno plaćanje – plaćanje budućnosti“

Hakaton, koji se organizuje u okviru ovogodišnjih Dana nauke, biće održan u prostorijama M:tel digitalne fabrike, u Podgorici, u Ulici ...

Fourth enrollment deadline for the academic year 2018/2019

The University Mediterranean, Podgorica announces a competition for undergraduate studies, the fourth enrollment deadline, for all organisational units: Faculty of ...

nfo day concerning doctoral research scholarships

The aim of this event is to increase the number of young researchers at the universities in Montenegro and to ...

Četvrti upisni rok za studijsku 2018/2019 godinu

Univerzitet Mediteran Podgorica raspisuje konkurs za upis na osnovne studije, četvrti upisni rok, za sve organizacione jedinice: Fakultet za turizam, ...

Cooperation agreement between University and female basketball club Budućnost BEMAX

Rector of the University of Mediterranean, prof. dr Radislav Jovović and the faculty deans welcomed basketball players and provided them ...

Sporazum o saradnji između Univerziteta Mediteran i ŽKK Budućnost BEMAX

Rektor Univerziteta Mediteran, prof. dr Radislav Jovović i dekani fakulteta poželjeli su dobrodošlicu košarkašicama i tom prilikom im dali korisne ...

Infodan o stipendijama za doktorska istraživanja

Cilj ovog konkursa je povećanje broja mladih istraživača na univerzitetima u Crnoj Gori i razmjena znanja između akademskog i privrednog ...

Exhibition “From Another Angle”

The Faculty of Visual Arts, University Mediterranean and the Faculty of Political Sciences, University of Montenegro are inviting you to ...

Info day – Innovation contest

The Ministry of Science is organizing an info day on the Innovation contest. More information on the link.

The beginning of new academic year 2018/2019 at the University Mediterranean Podgorica

For specialist, master's and doctor's courses, also on all organizational units of the University, classes start on October 8th The ...