Poljska-program stipendija “Stefan Banach”

Program ima za cilj da podrži društveno-ekonomski razvoj zemalja u razvoju podizanjem nivoa znanja i obrazovanja građana zemalja Istočnog partnerstva, ...

Poljska-program stipendija “Stefan Banach”

Program ima za cilj da podrži društveno-ekonomski razvoj zemalja u razvoju podizanjem nivoa znanja i obrazovanja građana zemalja Istočnog partnerstva, ...

Interview with the University’s president, prof. dr Dusko Knezevic

We are informing students that tomorrow, 12th March, from 12:00 to 13:00, there will be a Skype conversation with the ...

Thailand – TICA scholarships for 2019

Interested applicants need to submit their applications to the Diplomatic Academy of the Foreign Ministry of Montenegro, by 25th March ...

Applications for the Tourist guide course

The applications will be held from the 11th to the 22nd of March 2019. In the following paragraph you will ...

Art exhibit “Konkurs” by prof. mr Nikola Latković

The exhibit is a result of independent research, using a probe on over three hundred signs, which has, so far, ...

Tajland-stipendije TICA za 2019

Zainteresovani kandidati treba da dostave svoje prijave Diplomatskoj akademiji Ministarstva vanjskih poslova Crne Gore, najkasnije do 25. marta 2019. godine. ...

Tajland-stipendije TICA za 2019

Zainteresovani kandidati treba da dostave svoje prijave Diplomatskoj akademiji Ministarstva vanjskih poslova Crne Gore, najkasnije do 25. marta 2019. godine. ...

Organization of the Tourist guide certificate exam

Applications can be done up to the 20th of March. The required documents are: a verified copy of a high ...

Slovakia, national scholarship program for 2019/2020

The deadline for submitting applications is 30th of April, 2019, by 4PM. CEST, and the residence will be realized during ...