Post-Doctoral Reintegration Fellowship Turkey

As one of the top research universities in Turkey in terms of depth and breadth of national and international research ...

Post-Doctoral Reintegration Fellowship Turkey

As one of the top research universities in Turkey in terms of depth and breadth of national and international research ...

Defense of Maja Lakicevic’s master thesis

The student will be defending her thesis in front of the Commission appointed by the University's Senate, Commission's president: Doc.dr ...

Organizacija polaganja ispita za dobijanje sertifikata Turističkog vodiča

Prijavljivanje se može izvršiti do 14.januara. Potrebno je dostaviti ovjerenu kopiju diplome (IV stepen srednje škole –najmanje), sertifikat o poznavanju ...

Defense of Maja Lakicevic’s master thesis

The student will be defending her thesis in front of the Commission appointed by the University's Senate,

Notice on the change of the University’s bank account

We are notifying you that Mediterranean University's new bank account number is 510-101380-92 at the CKB bank, and in the ...

Odbrana magistarskog rada kandidata Maje Lakićević

Imenovani magistrant braniće magistarski rad pred Komisijom koju je imenovao Senat Univerziteta, Predsjednik komisije: Doc. dr Iva Bulatović Mentor: Prof.dr ...


Obavještavamo Vas da je novi žiro račun Univerziteta "Mediteran" Podgorica br. 510-101380-92 otvoren kod CKB banke i na isti će ...

ERASMUS+ student mobility with METU from Ankara (Turkey)

Business English; Information Technologies Business Studies Graphic Design; Study Level – Undergraduate, Postgraduate, PhD Number of scholarships: 1 Exchange duration ...

ERASMUS+ student mobility with METU from Ankara (Turkey)

Business English; Information Technologies Business Studies Graphic Design; Study Level – Undergraduate, Postgraduate, PhD Number of scholarships: 1 Exchange duration ...