Produžen vanredni (avgustovski) ispitni rok

Studenti mogu polagati tri ispita, po vlastitom izboru, pod uslovom da su pratili nastavu iz predmeta čije se polaganje zahtijeva. ...

Nastavnici sa Fakulteta vizuelnih umjetnosti učestvuju u realizaciji COST akcije “Evropska mreža za problematičnu upotrebu interneta CA16207”.

Nastavnici sa Fakulteta vizuelnih umjetnosti učestvuju u realizaciji COST akcije "Evropska mreža za problematičnu upotrebu interneta CA16207". Flajer možete preuzeti ...

Teaching staff from Faculty of visual arts participate in COST Action “EUROPEAN NETWORK FOR PROBLEMATIC USAGE OF THE INTERNET CA16207”

Teaching staff from Faculty of visual arts participate in COST Action "EUROPEAN NETWORK FOR PROBLEMATIC USAGE OF THE INTERNET CA16207" ...

Open competition for admission of students to student dormitories

The right to participate in the competition is given to the pupils who are studying outside the place of residence, ...

Konkurs za prijem učenika u studentske domove

Pravo učešća na Konkursu imaju učenici koji se školuju van mjesta stanovanja, koji su prvi put upisani u određeni razred ...

Application for a tour guide course

We would like to inform you that the application for the course of tourist guides will take place from the ...

Prijava za kurs turističkih vodiča

U nastavku Vam dostavljamo osnovne informacije o kursu. Program obuke će se vršiti u skladu sa Programom obrazovanja za osposobljavanje ...

Third enrollment deadline for study year 2018/2019

You can see the text of the contest here.

Film by Andro Martinović, Director of the Montenegrin Cinematheque and lecturers at the Faculty of Visual Arts at the Montreal Festival

Feature film "Between the Day and Night" directed by Andro Martinović, professor at the Faculty of Visual Arts, was included ...

Defense of the Master’s thesis of Amela Haveric

  The appointed Master will defend the master's thesis before the Commission appointed by the Senate of the University, by ...