“Be Informed Not Manipulated” Media Literacy Workshop
|The program aims: to raise the media literacy levels among youth to give young people the functional knowledge to be ...
“Budi informisan-ne manipulisan”- Trening medijske pismenosti za mlade
|Program ima za cilj: da podigne nivo medijske pismenosti medju mladima da mladim ljudima omogući funkcionalno znanje, da postanu svjesni ...
Visit of the Danubius University delegation to the Mediterranean University
|Mediterranean University was visited by the delegation from the Danubius University in Galati, Romania. The delegation was received by doc.dr ...
Belgium, French language summer school in Brussels, summer of 2019.
|The scholarship includes tuition, accommodation in the university town, and food expenses. Travel expenses are not included in the scholarship. ...
Belgija, ljetnja škola francuskog jezika u Briselu, ljeto 2019.god.
Mobilnosti, Novosti
|Stipendija će se realizovati u periodu od 12. jula do 3. avgusta 2019. godine. Stipendija uključuje upisninu, smještaj u univerzitetskom ...
Belgija, ljetnja škola francuskog jezika u Briselu, ljeto 2019.god.
|Stipendija će se realizovati u periodu od 12. jula do 3. avgusta 2019. godine. Stipendija uključuje upisninu, smještaj u univerzitetskom ...
Open contest for administrative staff scholarships – University of Lodz (Poland)
|University of Lodz (Poland) – http://iso.uni.lodz.pl/study-in-englis Mobility period: from June 3rd to 7th. The international week program can be downloaded ...
EducationUSA and US Embassy Podgorica Host U.S. College Fair
|The fair will be open to both high school students interested in undergraduate studies, athletic and academic scholarships, and university ...