INFO DAY about the current scholarships for the students and the University staff
| The presentation will be held on the Faculty for the information technology, second floor, information room number 2.
Info dan o aktuelnim stipendijama za studente i osoblje Univerziteta
| Prezentacija će biti održana na Fakultetu za informacione tehnologije, II sprat računarska sala 2.
Students of the University “Mediteran” received the student awards of the Capital city
| • Filip Marković, student of the specialist studies of the Faculty for Information Technologies, study programme - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES, ...
Studenti Univerziteta Mediteran dobitnici studentske nagrade glavnog grada
| Filip Marković, student specijalistističkih studija Fakulteta za informacione tehnologije, studijski program Informacione tehnologije, prosječna ocjena tokom studiranja - 10; ...