Početak nastave u ljetnjem semestru 2013-2014. godine

Obavještavaju se studenti osnovnih studija da će nastava u ljetnjem semestru 2013-2014. godine početi 10. februara.

Program stipendija njemačke privrede za 2014. godinu

U okviru ovog programa studenti viših semestara, apsolventi kao i oni koji su završili studije i stekli prvo radno iskustvo ...

Interuniversity cooperation

University “Mediteran”, Podgorica maintains and develops contacts with other universities according to the mutually harmonized and signed bilateral agreements, which ...

Bilateral agreements

UNIVERZITET SINGIDUNUM Adresa: Danijelova br. 29 11 000 Beograd Telefon: + 381 11 3093 220 Faks: + 381 11 3093 ...

Distance Learning

“Acquiring knowledge and skills through provided information and instructions by using various technologies and other forms of distance learning.“Possibility of ...


The University "Mediterranean" Podgorica is the first private university in Montenegro. It is accredited and licensed institution which allows the ...

About the University

 University “Mediterranean”The University “Mediterranean” is a university located in Podgorica, Montenegro. It was founded on 30 May 2006, is the ...

Obavještenje povodom INFO DANA

INFO DAN povodom otvaranja cetvrtog konkursa za stipendije u okviru EUROWEB projekta mobilnosti, biti odlozen za narednu sedmicu. O novom ...

Notification about INFO DAY

INFO DAN, considering the opening of the fourth course for scholarships within the EUROWEB mobility project, will be postponed to ...

Osnovne prednosti distance learning-a za studente

Student svoje prednosti vidi u: smanjenju troškova stanarine i ostalih troškova vezanih za boravak u mjestu održavanja studija mogućnosti da ...