CERN 2019 Student Summer Shool

CERN Student summer school is held every year during July and August, lasts from 8 to 13 weeks, and includes ...

Teaching Staff Mobility Contest under Erasmus+ program of Credit Mobility (ICM2018) with the Mälardalen University from Sweden

Information on the courses and programs can be viewed at Applications need to be submitted to the Office of ...

British Foundation “British Scholarship Trust” scholarships for postgraduate research

It is preferable that the candidates already have established contact with experts from one of the British universities which have ...

Extended deadline: Best of South-East Scholarship – Call open for academic year 2019/20

The trainee program focuses on the year-long practical experience at Steiermärkische Sparkasse in combination with courses at the University of ...

Prof. Franco Motta lecture at Faculty of foreign languages

On Wednesday, December 5th, 10 AM, Prof. Dr. Franco Motta, an Italian professor, will hold a lecture titled: "The concept ...

Predavanje profesora Franco Motta

U srijedu, 5. decembra u 10h, prof. dr Franco Motta, italijanski profesor, održaće predavanje na temu "The concept of modernity". Predavanje će biti ...

Obavještenje o organizaciji polaganja za Turističkog vodiča

Prijavljivanje se može izvršiti do 14.januara. Potrebno je dostaviti ovjerenu kopiju diplome (IV stepen srednje škole –najmanje), sertifikat o poznavanju ...

Magistarski rad kandidata Dražena Kneževića na uvid javnosti

Primjedbe na magistarski rad mogu se dostaviti Fakultetu u roku od 15 dana od dana isticanja ovog obavještenja na oglasnoj ...