CERN 2019 Student Summer Shool
|CERN Student summer school is held every year during July and August, lasts from 8 to 13 weeks, and includes ...
Teaching Staff Mobility Contest under Erasmus+ program of Credit Mobility (ICM2018) with the Mälardalen University from Sweden
|Information on the courses and programs can be viewed at Applications need to be submitted to the Office of ...
British Foundation “British Scholarship Trust” scholarships for postgraduate research
|It is preferable that the candidates already have established contact with experts from one of the British universities which have ...
Extended deadline: Best of South-East Scholarship – Call open for academic year 2019/20
|The trainee program focuses on the year-long practical experience at Steiermärkische Sparkasse in combination with courses at the University of ...
Prof. Franco Motta lecture at Faculty of foreign languages
|On Wednesday, December 5th, 10 AM, Prof. Dr. Franco Motta, an Italian professor, will hold a lecture titled: "The concept ...
Predavanje profesora Franco Motta
|U srijedu, 5. decembra u 10h, prof. dr Franco Motta, italijanski profesor, održaće predavanje na temu "The concept of modernity". Predavanje će biti ...
Obavještenje o organizaciji polaganja za Turističkog vodiča
|Prijavljivanje se može izvršiti do 14.januara. Potrebno je dostaviti ovjerenu kopiju diplome (IV stepen srednje škole –najmanje), sertifikat o poznavanju ...
Magistarski rad kandidata Dražena Kneževića na uvid javnosti
FEB, Novosti, Oglasna tabla
|Primjedbe na magistarski rad mogu se dostaviti Fakultetu u roku od 15 dana od dana isticanja ovog obavještenja na oglasnoj ...