Call for application for 2019 The European Scholarship of Lanzhou Jiaotong University
|(Applicant can choose one or two of the above semesters) Scholarship details Tuition and comprehensive medical insurance are exempted 5 ...
Call for application for 2019 The European Scholarship of Lanzhou Jiaotong University
|(Applicant can choose one or two of the above semesters) Scholarship details Tuition and comprehensive medical insurance are exempted 5 ...
Romania’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of National Education Scolarships for the academic 2019/2020 year
|The scholarships are given for following levels: Undergraduate studies: The program is intended for high school graduates, as well as ...
The first lecture of candidate dr Tijana Vujicic
|The first lecture of candidate dr Tijana Vujicic, from the Faculty of Information Technologies, will be held in the meeting ...
Informacija o stipendijama koje dodjeljuje Vlada Rumunije za akademsku 2019/2020.godinu
Mobilnosti, Novosti
|Stipendije se nude za sljedeće nivoe: Osnovne studije - Program je namijenjen svršenim srednjoškolcima gimnazije, ili ekvivalentne srednje škole, kao ...
Rektorski kolegijum u užem sastavu
|Članovi: prof.dr Savo Marković (Rektor) prof. dr Darko Lacmanović (Prorektor za nastavu) prof. dr Radislav Jovović (Prorektor za međunarodnu saradnju) ...
Rektorski kolegijum u proširenom sastavu
|Članovi: prof.dr Savo Marković (Rektor) prof. dr Darko Lacmanović (Prorektor za nastavu) prof. dr Radislav Jovović (Prorektor za međunarodnu saradnju) ...