Otvorena izložba studenata FVU Umjetničkoj Galeriji Vitomir Srbljanović u Pljevljima

Na izložbi su predstavljeni radovi studenta koji su nastali u toku realizacije projekta Multimedijalni studio čiju su realizaciju podržali Ministarstvo ...

20 years of Rotary Club in Montenegro and recognition of gratitude to the University Mediterranean

The donations collected on this occasion have been directed to the Resource Center for Children and Youth Podgorica, for equipping ...

EducationUSA and US Embassy Podgorica Host U.S. College Fair

The fair will be open to both high school students interested in undergraduate studies, athletic and academic scholarships, and university ...

EducationUSA i Ambasada SAD u Podgorici organizuju Sajam američkih univerziteta

Sajam je namijenjen srednjoškolcima koji se interesuju za osnovne studije, akademske i sportske stipendije, ali i studentima  zainteresovanim da nastave ...

CONTEST for the production of artworks of St. Peter of Cetinje/ paintings, sculptures, graphics, drawings … /

Artworks can be realized in any visual media, techniques and materials: 2D - (picture, drawing, graphics, digital print, photography), 3D ...

Competition “Today high school student, entrepreneur tomorrow”, was held at the University Mediterranean

A number of 12 teams of high school students participated in the finals, who presented their business ideas. The jury ...

Faculty of Information Technology of the University Mediterranean is the first authorized training center of Oracle University in Montenegro

Presentation "Oracle University Day in Montenegro" was held on April 04 at the University Mediterranean in the presence of numerous ...