Student exhibition “Million Millions of Small Loves” opened in “Art” Gallery

“Between my power to say, and yours to hear, the Devil himself lives… and from that personal devil of ours, many of those millions of loves begin… that’s why he must always be important to us…” are the words of the poet and writer Balša Brković, to whom the student exhibition “Million Millions of Small Loves” of the Faculty of Visual Arts was opened, in the “Art” Gallery on Thursday, June 27, JU Museums and Galleries Podgorica.

With the presence of mentors, professors, representatives of cultural institutions and the Capital City, the professional public, as well as friends and parents, the students of the Faculty of Visual Arts showed the results of their work in the academic year 2023-24. year.

This year’s exhibition of the students of the Faculty of Visual Arts is named after a verse from the poem “Cloud in Pants” by the Russian writer and poet Vladimir Mayakovsky.

The exhibition “Million Millions of Small Loves” will be open until July 17 and forms part of the “Podgorica Cultural Summer” manifestation of the Capital City.


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