Call for Abstracts – Cultural Development and the Future of Cultural Policy (ARSUM25)
Events, FVU, International colaboration
| INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE 15-16. April 2025. Kotor, Montenegro English & Montenegrin (ex-Yu languages, Serb/BiH/Cro) Recent cultural policy developments in ...
Completed program of masterclasses and intensive lectures within the Digitcreshe project
Events, Projects
|In the period from November 19 to 22, 2024, the University "Mediterranean" Podgorica hosted several programs, created as a result ...
A meeting of the bilateral project teams of Montenegro and Slovenia was held in Ljubljana
Events, International colaboration
|The last in a series of meetings of the teams of the two-year bilateral project of Montenegro and Slovenia (2023-24) ...
University “Mediterranean” Podgorica visiting Salento University in Lecce
Events, International colaboration
|During the stay in Lecce and participation in the "Medeja in the Cities" program, representatives of the University "Mediterranean" Podgorica, ...